917 05 00 11 - Horario de atención de lunes a viernes de 9:00-12.30 colegio@lasalleinstitucion.es

In September, our conversation assistants Payton and Puneeth started working with all of our students, from the preschoolers to Bachillerato. Let’s get to know them a little better

“Hi, I’m Payton. I’m from Chicago, and this is my third year in Spain. I love watching students get more confident and express themselves in English. When I’m not at school, I enjoy sports and exploring the city.”

“Hi, I’m Puneeth. I’m from Bangalore, India. I’ve been working as a language assistant in Spain for three years and it’s been a great experience getting to know more about Spain and Spanish culture. I’ve coached rugby for many years and teaching feels very similar and I really enjoy it. In my free time I practice and coach rugby at some local clubs here in Madrid and I also like to travel and explore new places.”

Both Payton and Puneeth work with our students on a weekly basis, either in small groups or with the whole class, depending on their grade. Their main goal is to give them the opportunity to apply English outside of regular lessons and exam conditions. This gives students the chance to practice their communication skills and to learn the accent, culture and colloquialisms specific, in this case, to the USA and India. With Payton and Puneeth our pupils get to do a wide variety of activities, that range from playing games in English to preparing for the Cambridge exams. Both of them always make sure that students have fun while they become more fluent and confident in the English language and improve their language skills. It’s always a pleasure to have them with us!