Throughout the week of 20th – 24th November, students in Infants, Primary, and Bachillerato have been learning all about gratitude by taking part in Thanksgiving activities with our
conversation assistants, Emilia and Ellie, in class. This holiday takes place on the fourth Thursday of each November and is a very special day for most North Americans. It’s a time
when friends and family gather together to enjoy each other’s company and to reflect on the things they are thankful for.
At Institución La Salle, we wanted to take the opportunity to share this special holiday and all that it entails with our children. In Primary they have learned about Thanksgiving traditions
and made a list of all the things they are grateful for. In Secondary, students from 1st & 2nd ESO have decorated feathers, in which they wrote the things they are thankful for, to make a
giant turkey and in the last years of ESO (3rd & 4th) and Bachillerato, students have learned how to show our gratitude for the little things that make us happy by creating a gratitude tree.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!